It's been a little over four decades since Bioguard first emerged on the scene as an upstart pool chemical company. Today, BioGuard is recognized as one of the nation's premier suppliers of pool and spa care products in the industry.
Bioguard earned its reputation through constant technological improvements, extensive research and innovation and superior customer service. So, what's the difference? Simply put, it's the easiest way to sparkling clear pool water. Our customized 3-Step programs, and non-chlorine SoftSwim® products are convenient and effortless. You'll spend only minutes per week maintaining beautiful pool water.
Step 1 - Sanitizers to Clean Water
Pool Sanitizers
The SilkGuard Complete® advantage
- The best BioGuard sanitizers feature a unique blend of premium technologies that are found ONLY at BioGuard dealers
- SilkGuard technology makes water soft and smooth and prevents scaling, protects against corrosion and metal staining
- SmartGuard® technology makes tabs and sticks last longer than plain white chlorine products
SilkGuard Complete® Tabs/Sticks
- All pools. All pumps. All applications.
- Unique compressed blue sanitizer tabs or sticks that dissolve much slower when the pump is turned off due to our SmartGuard® technology.
- Contains algae fight crystals from improved performance
- Can be used with the 3-Step BioGuard Care System
BioGuard Pool Care Programs
Once A-Week Pool Care
BioGuard Silk Guard
Chlorinating Sticks

Once A-Week Pool Care
BioGuard Silk Guard
3 Inch Chlorinating Tabs
Once A-Week Pool Care
BioGuard Silk Guard
1 Inch Chlorinating Tabs
Once A-Week PoolCare
BioGuard Basic
3 Inch Chlorinating
BioGuard Super Soluble
Granular Chlorine
BioGuard Brominating
Liquid Pool Chlorine 12.5%
Store Pick up Only
Pool Salt 40lb Bag
Store Pick Up Only
Step 2 - Shock to Remove Contaminants
Pool Shocks and Oxidizers
Destroying organic contaminants* from the environment and bathers is important
Shocking your pool water is a needed step for proper pool maintenance. Shocks or oxidizers chemically destroy organic contaminants, remove combined chlorine and help restore water clarity.
*such as perspiration, suntan lotions, hair sprays, body oils, urine, pet dander, and cosmetics.
Isn’t shocking just for when your water has a problem?
No! Shocking should be part of your pool maintenance. While it does help with troubleshooting, when part of a routine it removes contaminants that cause cloudy water and helps keep the water crystal clear and sparkling.
Smart Shock®
- BioGuard’s best to kill bacteria, oxidize, buffer and clarify your water
- Contains blue algae killing crystals
- Treat and swim in as soon as 15 minutes
- Can be used with the BioGuard 3-Step Care System
BioGuard Multi-Purpose Smart Shock

The Best Pool Shock Ever Created!
BioGuard Burnout 73 Shock
Liquid Chlorinating Pool Shock
Pick-Up In-Store Only
Step 3 - Algae Killing and Prevention
Pool Algacides
Prevent algae before it becomes an issue
The addition of algicide is needed for proper pool maintenance. Sanitizers or shock/oxidizers alone may not keep algae at bay and this step is needed to keep your pool completely clear of any growth. This is the third part of the BioGuard 3-Step Pool Care System.
Do all algicides kill algae?
Not all algicides are alike, only algicides that have been approved by the EPA for killing algae actually perform. All BioGuard products have been thoroughly reviewed and proven effective. Various kinds of algae may require different treatments to ensure they are eliminated.
Algae Complete®
- BioGuard’s most complete and best performing algicide
- Dual active ingredients to both prevent and kill algae
- Non-staining and non-foaming
- Can be used with the BioGuard 3-Step Care System
Kills and Prevents
Once A-Week Pool Care
Kills and Prevents

Once A-Week Pool Care
Bioguard Superior Prevention

Once A-Week Pool Care
Longest Lasting #1 Choice

Once A-Week Pool Care
Bioguard's Economical Preventer

Once A-Week Pool Care
Step 4 - Water Balancers
BioGuard Pool Balancers
Balance your water to prevent problems
Keeping the right balance in your swimming pool water is important. Balancers control scale, prevent metallic stains, adjust pH and total alkalinity and correct mineral imbalances.
How important is pH really?
Having the correct pH in your pool is crucial to your swimmers’ comfort and also protects your pool equipment and surfaces from corrosion, staining and etching. The ideal pH range is 7.4-7.6. If the pH is too high or too low it can cause those pesky red, itchy eyes!
Balance PAK® 100
- For raising total alkalinity
- Prevents pH change
- Prevents corrosion and vinyl liner wrinkling due to improper pH
- Dissolves quickly when added directly to water
Bioguard Balance Pak 100

Raises Total Alkalinity
BioGuard Balance Pak 200

Raises pH
BioGuard Lo n' slo

Lowers pH
Bioguard Balance Pak 300

Calcium Hardness Increaser
Bioguard Instant Stabilizer 100 Liquid 1 Gal

Prevents Chlorine Loss
Bioguard Stabilizer 100

Prevents Chlorine Loss
Swimming Pool Water Enhancers
Pool Enhancers
Restore sparkle to your pool water
Water enhancers not only get rid of cloudy water and make it brilliantly clear but also help your filter work more efficiently.
Why take the additional step of an enhancer?
- Your pool is your investment. Having beautiful, sparkling clean water allows you to enjoy spending time in your pool.
- Enhancers bring out the beauty in your water and keep your filter working at maximum efficiency so you have more time in the pool instead of outside of it.
Pool Juice™ 911
- Instant Water Rescue for cloudy/hazy or murky/swampy water
- Targeted enzymes and high-powered clarifiers
- Significant results in 24 hours – also for occasional use
Bioguard Polysheen Blue Enhances Pool Water Clarity
Bioguard Natural Clarifier

Enhanced Water Clarifier
Bioguards Pool Juice 911

Instant Water Recue
Bioguard Power Floc

Advanced Settling Agent
Bioguard Sparkle Up

Enhances Filter
Bioguard Pool Tonic

Phosphate Remover
Bioguard Skim Mor

Extends Filter Life
Bioguard Pool Juice

Weekly Cleaner, Clarifier, and Phosphate Remover
Bioguard Pool Juice Zero

Super Powered Phosphate Remover
Bioguard Optimizer

Enhances water quality and softens water
Cleaning and Problem Solvers
Pool Accessorie Products
Protect and maintain your pool
- From filter, tile and surface cleaners to pool cover cleaner and preservative – keep your pool environment new and inviting!
- Having a regular cleaning schedule will help to keep you on track and increase the lifetime of your pool and pool equipment.
Does cleaning my filter really make that much of a difference?
Yes! Having a clean filter makes a significant impact on the quality of your pool’s water.
A clean filter allows for proper filtration which is essential to achieving and maintaining safe, crystal clear water.
Kleen It®
- Removes metal, dirt and scale from filter
- Cleans sand, DE and cartridge filters
- Spray or soak application
Bioguard Kleen-It

Cleans and Extends Filter Life
Bioguard Off the Wall

Heavy Duty Surface Cleaner
Bioguard Anti-Foam

Foam Eliminator
Bioguard Chem-Out

Removes Chlorine, Bromine, and Hydrogen peroxide.
Bioguard Stow-Away

Cleaner - Deodorizer for covers
Bioguard Scale Inhibitor

SCale Inhibitor
Salt Scapes Cell Cleaner

Cleans and Extends salt - Chlorine generator Cell Life
Salt Scapes Scale Defend

Prevents Scale and Extends salt - Chlorine generator Cell Life